Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rock / Pop / VK

If you focus on the lyric more than sound, you are POP musician
If you focus on the sound more than lyric, you are ROCK musician
If you focus on your hairstyle more than performance, you are VK artist


I heard that from someone. What would you think about it?

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty funny, but I have to disagree entirely.

    Visual Kei isn't JUST about your hairstyle. Yes, VK was based on SHOCKING audiences, but over time, I think things have changed a little bit. The overall LOOK of an artist is still a major concern; you can't get very far in the Visual Kei industry without it. But the quality of SOUND and emotion put behind the lyrics of Visual Kei songs is just as important. VK wouldn't be VK without the hair, but it would be nothing if it were not for the quality of music produced by these hairstyle-obsessed artists.


